Which one is better to choose a bucket VS bucketless water purifier?

There are two types of household water purifiers on the market, namely barrels and no barrels. As the name implies, a water purifier with a barrel stores the filtered water in a self-contained closed barrel for convenient drinking. The barrel-free water purifier is realized by

Smart trash can what brand is good _ smart trash 10 top brands ranking

How much do you know about the trash can? In the streets and alleys, trash cans are everywhere. However, the management of garbage bins in the city is still in a non-intelligent state. Cleaners have to spend a lot of energy every day to clean up, and management is also

What are the outstanding features of the Industry 4.0 era?

What is the industry 4.0 era?

Under the impetus of the Internet, the real world and the virtual world are increasingly close, bringing economic development to a new stage and creating new opportunities for the development of the manufacturing indust