Rational view of LED light radiation safety issues

The issue of photobiosafety has been paid much attention to it internationally for a long time. From the publication of papers, there are actually related researches from the 40s, 60s, and 80s, and the organization that pays close attention to this issue is IPRA ( The International Radiation Pr

Market characteristics of domestic industrial robots

1. The development of manufacturing industry, which is dominated by the automobile manufacturing industry, has promoted the development of industrial robots . The automobile manufacturing industry is a technology- and capital-intensive industry

LED Lighting Market Development in China

LED Lighting Market Development in China With some LED lighting products entering the ranks of the government procurement list, and due to the large-scale cooperation between the internatio

Functional safety of the CAN bus

Abstract: The functional safety of automobiles is one of the key points in the development of current automotive technology, and it is also a weapon for car manufacturers to compete. The realization of safety is related to communication. Now more than 90% of the vehicles use CAN bu

Building facade floodlighting engineering case

Important landmark buildings, garden monuments, commercial buildings, special square sculptures in modern cities, or some transportation facilities such as elevated, bridges or passenger stations can be beautified with nighttime façade floodlights. At the same time as t

Can the LED lighting market break out in 2013?

[Source: Gaogong LED's "LED Lighting Channel" magazine February issue / Zhang Ludan] Recently, the industry is keen to interpret the LED lighting market this year's development trend, many industry insiders said that