Types and solutions of touch display panels for vehicles

At present, the touch panel has begun to become an industry in the world. As an advanced computer input device, it is currently the simplest, convenient, natural and suitable for multimedia information query equipment. The touch panel has many advantages such as rugged

Ten misunderstandings of IP network video surveillance technology

1. What is IP video surveillance (IP-Surveillance)?

IP is the abbreviation of InternetProtocol (Internet Protocol), which is the most commonly used protocol when communicating with the Internet through a computer network. IP video surveillance system (also know

On the application of digital signal controller in automobile design

The design of automobiles has gone a long way from simple mechanical systems in the past to modern automobiles that often include up to 100 microprocessors. The parts of electronic devices used in traditional cars are only those entertainment facilities, the most commo

GT diversion measures optimize TD network

The phenomenon that T network users reverse the GSM network has seriously affected the network perception of TD users and 2G users. ZTE started from three aspects, effectively improving the utilization of TD network resources and ensuring user perception.


Infrared car engine lock technology question and answer

1. What is the composition and basic principle of infrared car engine lock?

Answer: Infrared car engine lock is also a kind of car anti-theft device. Its scientific name is: ultra-dense car anti-theft system, and the product name is: infrared car engine lock. I

Home base station (FemtoCell) coverage solution

FemtoCell technology has the characteristics of efficient and flexible networking and low cost. It can be used to quickly expand network coverage, increase network capacity, provide users with a better business experience, and have broad application prospects. Network

Design of Time Synchronization System in Telecom Network

The following introduces a specific design method of the telecommunication network time synchronization system.

1. Local network independent construction plan

The local network time synchronization system is composed of 3 parts: master-slave GPS

Can COB light sources become mainstream?

The sales of LED surface light sources , which are the mainstream products in the recent lighting market, are unwittingly widespread, and the main reason is that a new type of lighting products is slowly being accepted by the vast number of consumers. So what is it? It is our